Happy holiday season! Now that Thanksgiving is over, we’ve officially reached that magical time of year when it’s time to start decorating. So grab your tree, all the ornaments, your Christmas quilts, and get started!
Don’t have Christmas quilt, you say? No worries! I’ve got you covered.
Today I’m sharing a quick and easy Big Star quilt you can make using Christmas-themed fabric, all in an afternoon. Seriously. This mini quilt takes very little time and can be cut and pieced long before Santa arrives. It’s also a great project to do with kids.
I made this sweet little mini star quilt way back in October of last year. Heather asked me to make it for her Sugarplum collection that she was showing that same month at Quilt Market.
There was never a look book made for Sugarplum but you can see all of the fabrics here. This collection has been in stores since last spring, however I’m sure it’s still available for purchase at many places, especially online shops.
This pattern is made using 9-7/8”squares cut in half to make the triangles. The four corner squares are 9-½” each. If you want more specific instructions I found this pattern online that is very similar and provides step-by-step info. That pattern, however, includes a border and I did not use a border on mine, but I think it would look cute either way.
This quilt is small enough that a standard cut of fabric is wide enough for the back. I don’t have a picture of it, but the back of this quilt uses the Sugarplum large-scale mice print, and the border is the pink peppermint candy fabric, which just may be my favorite from the collection.
So there you have it. A mini star quilt that will add a little bit of holiday cheer to your home.
A while back I was doing some home décor shopping online and I saw a pillow on The Citizenry that caught my attention. I liked the pillow, but I liked the pattern on the pillow even more. So much so that I thought it would make an interesting quilt block. I decided to give it a try and this is what I came up with.
I’m not sure how well the pattern translates into a quilt, but I’m a sucker for anything pink so I kind of like it. Or at least I really like the fabrics I used.
This is a combination of some of my favorites. There is quite a bit of Lotta Jansdotter fabric; a little bit of Denyse Schmidt; some Cotton + Steel; a few pieces from Amy Butler; and then some random fabrics I had in my stash.
When I chose the colors, I knew I wanted to do something with pink, black and white, but I added in some purplish/pink colors, some grays and taupes, and some creamy whites.
I wasn’t sure if mixing that many different shades of the same colors would work, but I think it does. Truthfully, though, the main reason I mixed them in was because I was short on fabric and needed to expand my color options.
I think it would look good if I had stuck only to pink, black and white, but this might make it look a bit more interesting.
For the quilt back, I’m sticking with the same color scheme and already have the back worked out.
I’m already on to quilting this one so you may see the finished version sooner rather than later.
Keep your eye out for the finished version.