Monthly Archives: August 2021

Washington Depot – Finished

I’m squeezing in one last blog post before the end of the month with this finished Washington Depot quilt – made with Denyse Schmidt’s Washington Depot fabric.  I love the quilt, I love the fabric, and I’m pretty fond of the location I took this picture.


These pictures were actually taken last summer (sometimes I’m slow to post finish projects) at Lake Okoboji when I was visiting my parents.  Lake Okoboji is in Northwest Iowa and is lots of fun in the summer.  I’ve spent many summers on the lake, and I’m hoping to make one last visit to my parents and take an end-of-season boat ride.  We’ll see if that happens.


But back to the quilt.

In my original blog post about this quilt, I wrote how this block was inspired by a vintage quilt I ran across.  I’m not sure if the block has a name, but it’s pretty easy and a good one to work on slowly, like if you want to do a block a night.


It’s also a good block for a scrappy quilt.  I obviously didn’t make a scrappy quilt with this one, but I did have to mix in some solids to be able to finish my blocks.  I ran out of Washington Depot fabric but I think it was a happy accident. I like the addition of the solids and think it helps break up the monotony a bit.


The backing for this quilt is some of my favorite.  At the end of 2020 Joann Fabrics introduced a Friends collection, and as a huge Friends fan of course I had to get some.  It worked perfectly as a quilt back and complemented the Washington Depot Fabric.


And with that, that’s a wrap for this quilt and for August.


Fall is my favorite time of year so I’m looking forward to the next few months.  Here’s to crisp air, pumpkin flavored everything, and Fall quilt pics.

This Old House

Oh hey.  I managed to get a blog post written while taking care of a new puppy.  (Note: If you follow me on Instagram, you will know that I got a puppy two weeks ago.  She’s amazing, but as you can imagine, she demands a huge amount of time right now.)

Anyway, I did take some quilt photos before she arrived so here we go.


This quilt is all scraps.  I dug deep in my stash and pulled together some very old pieces of fabric I’ve had forever – like 20 years in some cases – along with some newer scraps leftover from the Wildflower quilt, and tried to make something out of all of them.  This quilt leans more traditional – from the fabric to the colors to the pattern – but I kind of like it.  It reminds me of a quilt you would find in an old house.


The block is so easy and a good way to use scraps.  You can make your blocks as uniform or as scrappy as you like.


Since this quilt is so scrappy, to add some uniformity and pull it all together, I added the red and mustard yellow sashing between the blocks.  I also added a double border with a narrow strip of red fabric and the red and beige stripe. (It’s hard to see that it’s a stripe in these photos.)  I normally don’t do borders but I thought this quilt could use them.


Do you see how the red fabric extends into the outer border at the corners?  That’s because I was so short on fabric I needed those extra inches from the red fabric to make it work!  I actually find it pretty satisfying when I can use every last inch of fabric.


I already know what fabrics I’m going to piece together for the back of this quilt, so this one might come together in the not so distant future.  That is if I can find the time when I’m not chasing my puppy Coco around!