Monthly Archives: April 2015

My New Addiction

I have an addiction and it is these little guys.


Yes, I have finally taken up English Paper Piecing in the form of little, one-inch hexagons.  After years of admiring hexi quilts, I decided it was time to get started on my own.  The problem is once you start, you can’t stop.   They are really addictive!


I think it’s because you can take them with you anywhere.  One of the reasons that I’ve always wanted to take up knitting (but still have failed to) is because you are not tied to a sewing machine and can knit wherever you like.  Well, same goes for sewing hexis.  They are very portable.


As I was getting started, I had to decide if I wanted to make an allover hexi quilt, or a hexi flower garden quilt.  I like both of them, but I decided to go with the hexi flower garden because it’s such a classic, timeless design.  Plus, if you remember, I saw an amazing antique hexi flower garden quilt back in December and I’m still having major quilt envy over it.


I haven’t decided yet if I’m going to do a border around each flower or if I’ll make it an all-flower quilt; right now I’m working on making all of the flowers first.  I’m leaning towards a white border, again because it’s such a classic design, but that is TBD.

Now I’m off to dig through my scrap bags to and get back to my flower making!

As a housekeeping note, I know some people cut their own hexagons but that is way too much work for me so I ordered 600 of them from  I would rather be sewing hexis than cutting them, so I thought it was worth the minimal cost.