You can’t like every quilt you make, right? I had high hopes for this one, but to be honest, it didn’t quite work out the way I wanted it to. So in the interest of not only sharing quilt winners, today I’m sharing one that failed.
One of the things about quilt making that I like so much, is how you can mix colors and patterns and come up with something wonderful and unexpected. Usually it works out, but for the first time ever, I think I made a quilt that is too “busy,” as one would say.
Individually I love all of the fabrics, but they didn’t come together like I wanted. Instead of this quilt being a good mix of fabrics, it become a jumbled mess.
I think the quilt pattern still has potential, but where I went wrong was in using too many different colors and fabrics. I never thought that was possible in quilting, but I think it is!
If I had to re-do it, I think the quilt pattern would look really striking with a handful of solid fabrics. I may give it another shot one day and do that, but for now I’m moving on to something else. I’m sure eventually I will finish this quilt, but until then it’s getting packed away!