Monthly Archives: January 2024


What do you do when someone asks you to make them a “lodgy” or hunting themed quilt? You know what you don’t do? You don’t buy camo fabric, because you have standards. (No offense if you like camo quilts.) Instead, you get creative and find something a little more sophisticated, shall we say.


Not only do I present to you a “lodgy” quilt, but also the largest quilt I’ve ever made, which was completely unnecessary but let me explain.


But first, let’s talk about the back. My brother, who is very different from me, is an avid outdoorsman. He lives in Denver and likes to do outdoorsy things. I like doing indoorsy things, like quilting, but I digress.

Anyway, he asked me to make him a quilt that was something hunting or “lodgy,” which I took to mean like a hunting lodge or cabin type thing. I didn’t want to piece the quilt back, and I knew it would be next to impossible to find extra wide backing fabric that wasn’t camo but still hunting or lodgy, so I started searching for a bedding set I could use the flat sheet from for the back. And ta-da! I found the perfect set of sheets.


I bought these Eddie Bauer sheets on Amazon and you can find them HERE. I wasn’t looking for flannel, but that’s what they had, so a flannel sheet back it was.


Originally, I was only going to buy a twin set, but I realized that would be wasteful. I didn’t have use for the leftover twin fitted sheet or pillowcase, and neither would my brother, so instead I bought a king set. He has a king bed so he could use the fitted sheet and pillowcases…and that gets me to the size of the quilt.

Since I now had a king flat sheet for the back, I thought I might as well use the whole thing rather than trim it and have a lot of waste. And that, my friends, is how I ended up with a giant quilt that couldn’t even be shown in full in the photos because it was too big for two people to hold. LOL


Before I go, I should talk briefly about the front. I did a simple pinwheel pattern, which is one of my go-to patterns for quilt gifts. I wanted to match the khaki color from the back, but I couldn’t find a solid that worked. I thought for sure Kona would have something but they didn’t. I checked a few other brands but I didn’t see anything even close and I didn’t have time to order a bunch of samples and still make the quilt in time for Christmas. Instead I pulled the green from the khaki and I love how it turned out. The green color is Moss from Kona and I really like how it contrasts with the back.


This quilt is now with my brother in Denver. It’s so big he can use it as a bedspread and there will be plenty of drape since it’s so large! Plus, he has the matching pillowcases and fitted sheet. I think he liked it.

One last thing. I did have a few little scraps left so I made a pillow for his dog. Look at this sweet girl.

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Happy New Year, and cheers to lots of creativity and projects in 2024!