Monthly Archives: October 2014

Another Purple Quilt?

I know I just finished the Purple + Teal quilt, and I usually like to vary my quilt project colors, but I’m feeling another purple quilt coming on.  I have this stack of fabric calling my name and I think I have to make it happen.


The difference is this time instead of teal I have some gray fabrics to use.  I really like this mix of fabrics so I think I’m going to go for it!

More later.

Arts Gowanus Open Studios 2014

Last weekend, Arts Gowanus celebrated its Open Studios event where local Gowanus-based artists invite the public to visit their work spaces. The Gowanus neighborhood in Brooklyn is right next to my neighborhood and is only a short walk from my apartment, so it was an easy and fun event for me to attend.  You can read more about it here.

Artist and fabric designer Lotta Jansdotter’s studio is in Gowanus and she participated in Open Studios. Yea!  I’ve visited her studio before and it is my dream quilting space.

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When I got to her studio, it was packed with people and there were some really good deals to be had.  I mulled over a few different items, but in the end the only thing I really wanted was fabric, of course.


I picked up a few bundles of fabric that caught my eye. I have no plans for these at the moment, but I’m sure they’ll make an appearance in a quilt sooner or later.

For those of you who couldn’t make it, I hear she will be opening her studio again before the holidays. And if you don’t live in New York but are in the neighborhood, I highly recommend stopping by Four & Twenty Blackbirds for a slice of pie.  The pie shop is right next to her studio and is pretty amazing.

Colorado Boy II

Happy Fall Sunday! It is a little chilly here in Brooklyn this morning, and I woke up to the familiar clanking of the radiator kicking in.  When you live in an old building in New York with radiator heat it’s either on at full force and feels like a sauna, or it’s off completely.  There’s no in-between, but I am enjoying the toasty feel of the heat this morning.  The joys of living in old buildings!

I’ve been a little busy the past couple of weeks doing non-quilting things – don’t you hate when that happens – but I have managed to finish the second Colorado Boy baby quilt.  I had enough fabric left from the first one to make a second quilt, so I did.



Of course it is slightly different, with the main difference being the back of the quilt. I didn’t take an image of the back, but the first one was blue and this one is gray.  After seeing both the blue and the gray, I like them both and don’t have a preference.



I’ll be putting this baby quilt up on my Etsy shop soon.  The goal is to get it listed today, but don’t hold me to it.  But I promise it will be there soon!

And finally in cuter news, I got my hands on a photo of the original Colorado Boy quilt in-use.  Meet Wyatt Mason chilling out on his quilt.


Hope you have a great Sunday!

Purple + Teal – Finished

The Purple + Teal quilt is finished, and I’m adding it to my list of favorites. I love how it turned out.  It’s different than how I imagined it when I started, but I think it’s even better.


I really like the blocks, but I think my favorite part about it is the solid colored negative space around the blocks.



There are four different solids used – Kona Cotton Pansy, Magenta, Eggplant and Michael Miller Cotton Couture Orchid (the pink color).



For the back, I used Eggplant and Orchid because I really liked the contrast between those two colors.


I debated what color thread to use for the quilting, since there are so many different purples used and I had the teal color to contend with as well. Since purple is the dominating color in the quilt, I decided to go in that direction.  I found a variegated purple thread and thought that would work best, and I think it did!


Now onto the next project!