Monthly Archives: March 2017


If you follow me on Instagram, then you will have seen a few little looks of this quilt top – bits and pieces here and there.  But I haven’t shown the whole thing yet, so here it is!


This quilt uses Stonington by Denyse Schmidt and I love it.  But I love everything she does.  Denyse Schmidt just gets me.


I’ve had this pattern idea for quite a while now and Stonington seemed like the perfect fabric to use for it.


Like most of my quilts, I roughly figured out the size of it and how much fabric I would need, but I also kind of played it by ear.  Usually this works out for me, but sometimes it doesn’t.  This was one of those times where I realized I needed to make the quilt longer than I had planned on and I was running low on fabric.


For reference, I made this quilt out of a set of Stonington fat eighths plus the white fabric.  But I was a little short on the Stonington fabric because I cut into it to make blocks for another project I’m working on.  I barely cut any fabric from the fat eighths but it was just enough to make me a bit short, so I had to improvise.  The solution was scrappy triangles!


I must admit I’m happy I was low on fabric because I love how they turned out!


A couple of other things about this quilt design: I wanted to make it different than just another triangle quilt, which is why I added the strips of fabric between the rows of triangles.

I also wanted it to look as close to perfect as possible, so I even got my ruler out and measured to ensure I was putting the seams exactly in the middle of the white triangles.  It definitely took extra time and pinning, but it was worth it.  I worked really hard on getting the points of my triangles just right, too.


And finally, the white(ish) color in the Stonington fabric is not a true white but is an off-white.  It matches Kona Cotton Bone really well.  I had some Kona Cotton Bone in my stash but not nearly enough to finish the quilt.  I thought about buying some more, but I’m trying to limit the amount of fabric I buy this year and instead use what I have, and I had a bunch of Kona Cotton White.  So that’s what I used.


I think the white actually helps the colors in the Stonington fabric pop a little bit more than if I had used Kona Cotton Bone.  I’m glad I used it!

Oh, oh, oh.  One more thing.  See how the top and bottom of the quilt begins and ends with strips of Stonington fabric?


I didn’t want to do it that way and would have preferred for the top and bottom of the quilt to be triangles.  I think I would have had enough fabric to add one more row of triangles if I had made more scrappy ones, but I decided to keep it as it is because it’s not that big of a deal to me.

So that’s it!  I’ve already started quilting this one but I’m not in a hurry to finish it.  But then again sometimes I get on a quilting roll and knock it out.  We’ll see how my weekend goes.  Stay tuned!

Sleeping Porch Project for Heather Ross

This blog post is a little late.  But as they say, better late than never!

This project started last May, when fabric designer Heather Ross asked me to make a quilt for her new fabric collection, Sleeping Porch.  I’ve mentioned this on Instagram but I’ve never officially shared it on the blog.  And now that Sleeping Porch is shipping to retailers, I thought it was about time to write about it!

Heather had a group of us create quilts from Denyse Schmidt’s book Modern Quilts, Traditional Inspiration for her new line.  She asked me to make the Ocean Waves pattern and use three different prints from the collection along with the solid orange color for the front and the solid yellow color for the back.

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The result is a very bold, striking quilt, which I love.

Please excuse this bad, not color corrected photo, but you can see how I used mostly the purple snail and floral prints and sprinkled in the green Peonies.


All the quilts are featured in the look book that Windham put out for the release of the fabric, and the photos were taken at Heather’s house upstate New York (insert all the heart eye emoji’s).

You can see the entire look book HERE.

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I love the photo spread of my Ocean Waves quilt.

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I’m so happy I had the opportunity to work on this project.  The fabric is beautiful and Denyse’s Ocean Waves pattern is such a classic.  I think I have to make an Ocean Waves quilt for myself one day.

I recently finished another quilt project for a fabric designer with a new line coming out that I can’t wait to tell you about, just as soon as I can!

Before I go, as a reminder, I had Sleeping Porch fabric left from this project and I made a Churn Dash quilt that you can see HERE.