It’s done! And I love it. The bright colors, the flying geese, the Liberty of London back…it all works for me.
As I was deciding how to quilt this one, I chose to do some really dense quilting. This is probably the densest quilting I’ve ever done and I am really happy with it. It looks great and gives the quilt lots of good texture.
That’s what I’m talking about!
After I finally got this quilt headed in the right direction (see earlier post where my original idea failed), I knew I wanted to use a piece of Liberty of London cotton lawn I have been hiding away for the back. If you’ve ever worked with Liberty cotton lawns, you know how soft and silky they feel and how great they are to work with. Pretty much heaven.
The piece I had was just wide and long enough to fit, but let me tell you I cut it close. Like real close. I barely had anything to trim off when I was squaring it up, but I’m going to call that a good use of fabric. Zero waste!
So now I can call this one done and list it in my Etsy shop. For a quilt that I hadn’t planned on, this one really worked out well. Funny how that happens sometimes.
I’m now off to work on a new project that I can’t wait to tell you about. More to come.