Today I’m sharing the latest colorway of my Signature Series baby quilts with this blue and gray version. I love this pattern and have had a lot of fun experimenting with different color combinations when using it. The pattern is so versatile for mixing colors and makes a great modern statement in a baby’s nursery.
When I was putting this together, I moved the different colors around to see what I liked best and finally landed on this.
For the back of the quilt, I used a gray polka dot fabric. The gray in the polka dots matches the gray fabric on the front of the quilt.
I had a little bit of navy fabric in my stash with tiny white stars on it that works perfectly for the binding.
This quilt is now available for purchase in my Etsy Shop.
Yes, I really do want to take a moment to talk about quilting safety. I know, I know. The words danger and quilting don’t really go together, and the title of this blog post might seem like a joke, but I have learned the hard way that if you aren’t careful, quilting accidents can happen.
Back at the beginning of April I had a pretty serious quilting accident that involved my finger and my rotary cutter. Since it’s a rather grisly story I won’t go into the details, but I’ll tell you that I had to get a plastic surgeon to repair my finger. It was that bad. It was also very painful, scary and overall a really terrible experience that I don’t want anyone else to go through. So let this be a public service announcement to all quilters, or for anyone who uses a rotary cutter.
My accident happened because my ruler slipped while I was mid-cut. When my ruler slipped, my hand moved off the ruler, and you can guess the rest. I’ve replayed the moment over and over again in my head, but it happened in a split second before I could even react. Looking back, I wouldn’t say I was being careless, but maybe not as mindful as I should have been. I’ve been cutting fabric since I was teenager and have taken for granted the ease and quick-use of a rotary cutter. It is important to remember that rotary cutters, as amazing as they are, can also be dangerous.
Since my accident, I have discovered this wonderful safety gadget.
The brand I use is called The Gypsy Gripper. I have no idea how I didn’t know this existed before, so I’m sharing in case others need to be clued in like I did. It has suction cups that attach to your ruler. It’s taken a bit of getting used to, but I am now hooked and so happy I have it. It takes much of the danger out of using a rotary cutter. If you don’t know this exists like I didn’t, go get yourself one and save your fingers!
I’m happy to say that my finger is looking really good and is pretty much back to normal. More importantly, after taking some time off, I’m back to quilting and have new projects to share in the coming weeks.
Cheers to quilting with all 10 fingers!