
My 2014 color trends-inspired quilt is done!  You can read more about the color inspirations here.


Now that it’s all come together, I really like the color combination.  Even more than I thought I would.  Three different companies predicted three different color trends, and somehow they all work together when combined.


Color-wise I’m happy, but there is one thing I would do differently.  For this pattern I cut the tops off of triangles, but I wish I would have cut about one more inch off and made them squattier.  Is squattier a word?


They still look a little too triangle-like to me when that’s not exactly what I wanted.  I really didn’t notice it until I had a few rows done, and at that point I was not going back.  So it is what it is, but I like the color so much I’m going to let my triangle issue go.


For the back, I pieced together leftover fabric I had from the front.  The fabric for this quilt all came from random pieces in my stash.  There’s some Dear Stella Confetti Dot in there, along with a lot of Kona solids – Berry, Coal, Medium Grey and Windsor.  The other patterns are ones I’ve had in my stash – some for a very long time – so I can’t tell you what they are.


You’ll notice the Batik print in there and I’ve had that for a lonnnnng time.  For years it’s been patiently waiting to make its appearance.  I really don’t buy Batiks, but this one caught my eye way back when and I bought it on a whim.  It’s been sitting around for so long I never thought I was going to use it, but wouldn’t you know its time has finally come, and I think it came at the right time to help pull all of the colors together.


The lesson here?  Every fabric will have its moment.


Happy Sunday sewing!

Note: This quilt is featured in the July/August 2014 issue of Every Day with Rachael Ray magazine.

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