For those of you who live in New York or are visiting and want to stop by a quilt shop, my recommendation is The City Quilter in Chelsea. It is beautiful, well-stocked and quite spacious. And by spacious I mean spacious by New York City standards.
My mom was visiting recently and we stopped by to find fabric for a project she is working on. I should clarify that it’s a project that she started and that I will finish. (More on that project at a later date.) Specifically, we were searching for something blue and ended up finding this:
These two pieces are from the Everything Blue collection by Marsha McCloskey for Clothworks. My mom had a blue floral pattern in mind and Everything Blue fit the bill. She’s just about done with her part of the project and then I will take over.
While we were at The City Quilter I was roaming around the store (trying not to buy everything in sight) and spotted the Downton Abbey collection that I really want. This was my first time seeing it in person and I am now more obsessed than ever before. This fabric will be mine one day.
I love The City Quilter. They have so much gorgeous fabric and it is a great place to find inspiration. I highly recommend a visit.
For an added bonus, here are a couple of quilts they had displayed that caught my eye. Enjoy!