Something Different

Today’s finished quilt was something new for me and had me saying whaaaa?

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I’ve written before about my grandma and mentioned she can no longer quilt but she does do some embroidery.  To keep her busy with fun projects, my mom buys her old timey embroidery panels that when finished can be sewn into a quilt.  I say old timey because does anyone even do these anymore?  I must confess I had never heard of such thing, but I’m also not that familiar with embroidery so it’s not surprising this was new to me.

In the mail one day arrived this stack of finished embroidered quilt blocks my grandma had completed.


After wrapping my head around exactly what they were and how they work, I discovered
that six blocks come to a package, but that really doesn’t make a lot of sense to me because you need 12 blocks to make decent sized quilt.  Why not put 12 in a package?  I digress.


When my mom bought these for my grandma, the store only had one package of each pattern so she had to buy two packages of different but coordinating embroidery panels.  I think it ended up working out for the best and actually makes the quilt more interesting.


The nice thing about these embroidery panels is how fast a quilt top comes together.   There was really very little work I had to do!  I did decide to add a border around the panels because I thought it needed something.

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For the binding, I found Denyse Schmidt’s Greenfield Hill Ladies League in Cranberry and the color and design worked perfectly with the quilt top.

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I have to say that this is not the typical type or look of a quilt that I normally like, but that isn’t really the point of it.  It’s a joint project between my grandma and me.  Although I think I could see this at the end of a bed in my future country home that I own one day!

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  1. This quilt is a piece of art because of its
    story from where it began to where it ended.
    Wow! I love it and I certainly hope to see
    it in your country home someday. This will
    be a family heirloom forever.

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