Mill City

Happy New Year!  It’s time for the first quilt share of 2018.


This was actually the last quilt I finished in 2017, and I got it done just in time to bring it with me to take some pictures on my holiday travels.

One of the stops I made over Christmas break was to visit my BFF, Sara, in Minneapolis.  I brought a couple of quilt tops with me to photograph while I was in town, which at the beginning of December when I planned my trip seemed like a great idea.  Unfortunately, while I was visiting at the end of December, it was below zero.  [Insert my frozen tears]  My quilt photoshoot went from a fun thing for Sara and me to do to, ‘let’s get out of here.’

Since we were both on the verge of frost bite, I wasn’t able to take as many pictures or as good of pictures as I wanted, but we did the best we could.


This quilt was photographed at Mill Ruins Park, which is right next to the Stone Arch Bridge.  We tried to take some photos by the bridge too, but the wind would not cooperate.


The quilt is super easy and is a combination of an Ohio Star quilt block and simple nine patch squares to make the other block.


Most of the fabric is Cotton + Steel, with some other coordinating fabrics I had in my stash.


I was really feeling a pink and navy quilt at the end of 2017 and just had to make one.  I was a little iffy about mixing the grey colors in, but I think it helps to balance out the bold pink, blue and that beautiful gold color that I’m loving right now.


Here’s to kicking off 2018 with lots of quilts, sewing projects, crafting projects, or whatever hand-making projects you want to work on this year.

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