Half Hexagons

I’m calling this quilt design half hexagons.  But really, they kind of are full hexagons.  They’re just two colored hexagons; that is if you consider white a color.


I’ve had this quilt design in mind for a while, and when I got my hands on the Denyse Schmidt Katie Jump Rope re-print fabric I thought it would be perfect to try it out.


Instead of placing the hexagons horizontally, I flipped them on their size and placed them vertically.


When laying the quilt out, I thought about mixing the prints up randomly but instead decided to group them together.  I think a random pattern would look good – maybe even better than grouping them like I did – but I wanted to experiment with this way first.  For a second version I might give that a try.

I would also be interested in trying this design with solid colors, which I think would look reallllly good.  Like navy and white, or a bright pink and a pale pink, or black and white…the options are endless!  And now I’m itching to get started on that but it will have to wait, because I am going on vacation!

For those of you who have been following me for a long time, you might remember that I go to Wyoming every summer.  I am heading out of town for my annual trip in a few days and cannot wait.  Before I leave, I’m working diligently to have some blog posts prepared to share while I’m gone.  I’m also trying to get all of my quilting stuff together so that I can do some vacation quilting while I’m away.  Stay tuned to the blog, or for even more pictures, watch my Instagram.

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