Dishing Up Lots of Pretties

If there’s one thing that can compete for my love of fabric it’s pretty dishes.  New, old, colorful, simple…I love them all.  I especially love antique dishes and share this love with my aunt, who surprised me with an amazing gift.

Over many years, my aunt has been collecting the antique Ovide by Hazel Atlas pattern.  It started a long time ago when she was cleaning out my grandma’s attic and found some pieces of Ovide.  She has slowly been adding to her collection and has acquired quite a bit over the years.

When I saw her over the holidays, we sat down to dinner one evening and were using the Ovide dishes.  It was then that she told me they were mine.  What?!?!  She had always said she was going to give me some one day but I wasn’t expecting them for many years.

I am now the proud owner of 12 place settings and some serving pieces, some of which are the original ones found in my grandma’s attic.  Not only are these dishes so fun, colorful and pretty, but they hold a special meaning that I will cherish for always.

Anyone else share my love of dishes?  Now my goal is to find a place in my tiny New York City kitchen to store them.

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  1. Happy Birthday, Angela…I’m so glad the Ovide dishes will have a good home. I can’t think of a better place for them. It is hard to believe how old they are and it’s so nice to know that you like them. Christmas was a perfect time to give them to you. We had such a nice time having you here for Christmas…hope we can do it again someday.
    Lotza Love, Aunt Karen

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