Brooklyn Quilting Co.’s Holiday Wish List

Today was supposed to be a post about a finished quit top, but unfortunately we’ve had a lot of rain around here and I haven’t had a chance to photograph it.  So in the meantime, I thought I would share what’s on my holiday wish list.  Maybe it will spark some ideas for you; either to add to your own list or to gift to someone else.  It includes both sewing/quilty and non-quilty items.

Now granted, these gifts probably fit a specific demographic, i.e. mine: female, early 30s, lives in Brooklyn and has a penchant for handmade or vintage items, but I think they work for a lot of people!  That’s my very biased opinion, of course.  Here we go!

Holiday Wish List 2

Any fabric from Cotton & Steel.  Any.

Some new rotary blades so I have clean fabric cuts every time.

A clutch purse to hold my metro card, loose change and iPhone from Etsy shop octopurse.

A Field Day embroidery pattern from Allison Glass, so I can try my hand at a new craft this winter.

Some vintage clip-on earrings like these, these or these, for those of us that don’t have pierced ears.

Any pink Pyrex pieces, especially these casseroles and these mixing bowls, to add to my antique dishes collection.

This bear shirt from my favorite store, Anthropologie, because who doesn’t like a beautiful bear shirt?

The lovely smelling lychee rose perfume from Mistral, so that everyone wants to stand just a little bit closer.

And finally, a pair of moccasins to wear to casual Sunday brunches in Brooklyn.

So there you have it!  What’s on your holiday wish list?  Any quilting supplies or fabric?  By the way, weather permitting, I hope to post the new quilt top on Sunday, so check back in then.

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