My next quilt color/fabric combination is one of those happy accidents that sometimes strike. While I was working on my Hopscotch quilt I had quite the mess going on and had stacked (aka thrown in a big heaping pile) a bunch of fabric on a chair. It was then that I noticed how well they went together and my next quilt color combination was born.
You’ll recognize these fabrics from the Hopscotch quilt. Remove the blues and greens from the Hopscotch quilt and you’re left with bright, happy pinks and oranges that remind me of rainbow sherbet. Yummy!
I didn’t know how much I like pink and orange together until I saw this stack of fabrics.
Now I have to decide the quilt pattern. I have some ideas but I’m not sold on any one of them yet. The only thing I do know is that I want to limit the white space on this one and really stick to the bright colors.
I’m off to do some pattern brainstorming!
I love this color combo! Can’t wait to see the finished quilt!